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Stories and Thoughts
25 SEP 2009: Received an early call on the delivery of oven. It was faster than expected as they told it will take 2-4 weeks. Anyhow, I’ve finally got it and what now? When will be my 1st baking experience using this oven and what shall I bake?
As I’m working from home today, the lazy me had decided to go for instant noodle as a quick lunch. Simply picked an egg and the egg turned out with twins egg yolks. Being a silly me, I felt so bad to eat it and put it back to the fridge.
u finally got the oven :) hmmm~ waiting for ur lovely cake then...
aiya...u already broke the egg liao la~ put back into fridge also cant save them la...
-_-" I agree with Leu, already opened the egg, and put it back and??
Haha, waiting for your post about your first bake though. :P
huh?? why feel bad with twin yolks, and you put it back into the fridge?? bizarre~~
hmmm, finally you got the oven!! bake your own mooncake for the mid-autumn this year~~ hahaha!! :)
Twin chickens???
Hey, I am cuming over for high tea at your place this Saturday as planned! Lay the table purleaseeee!
L²: Haha, I might come out with my 1st ROCK cake. Don't know why la, the twins yolks make me feel guilty..hehe.
Freedom09: Definitely will post it matter successful for fail.
SK: Bake mooncake? You really testing me wor. I'm still reading the manual and learning. Any quick guideline or not?
Jerry. Luckily not 3 little balls huh. :)
Grandma Twilight: High tea? Saturday? Planned? Since when we planned for this? Don't give me a heartattack.
i only know how to bake "chocolate cake" lor.. hahahaha!!
I've got a perfect easy-bake cake recipe for you. :)
ppl say eat twins food will get twins:p
btw, bake some cny cookies, hehe...
i'm inviting myself for the high tea ya! :P i'll be back in KL by then. la la la...
sampat arr?? break the egg d then put back on fridge.......iyeerr...i also want to go high high class tea like english style mou?
SK: Chocolate cake, I also know la that 1..hehe..full flavour somemore huh.
Anton: Serious? Easy-bake recipe, nice..just perfect for a beginner me. Got easy-recipe for egg tart?
mangO: Do you want the egg? Still in the fridge wo, Can tapao for you. Anyhow, you need to teach the the egg tart de.
Medie007: Yes, sure. Location at grandma's house!!! Be punctual..
Paul J: Cruel to eat the twins, not good in 3some ma..haha. Shit...grandma created the silly high tea story now...
hmm .. can we start placing the order? what kind of pastries or cake available harr? ;p
you should make a cake for my birthday present he he.... ;p
wow. twin egg yolk. that's really rear. lucky yoU!
From me to you, suejean =)
At last you bought the oven...
I also planned to buy it too...
Erm... When can i have cake to makan le??? hehe!
dont forget the 3 layer pastries tray horr....and ohh....Earl Grey would be lovely!...hahaha....but since Keeyee got oven...make cheese cake lahh...then have it with espresso.....ohhh.......i wanna join! i wanna join!!!
since grandma twilight has planned with you this Saturday and Anton has nice recipe... I grab the tea and go to your place to have hi-tea eh~
lolll... i cant stop laughing at comments on the high tea session u r gonna have :P
wish u all the best with the oven and baking, another great chef-to-be :)
Danny: Hehe, so far only can make self produced choco muffin..
tagnan: You wait ya, next year maybe I can consider.
SJ: Hopefully it's a sign of luckiness lo.
类私理 Lesly: Maybe after you bought 1, we can exchange cake lo. Muhibah a bit ma...
Paul J: Espresso Cheesecake...give me years to learn that.
TZ: Aduh, I've been waiting here whole saturday but nobody came...keke
the happy go lucky one: Yeah, now you know what REAL friends are. Someday somehow their dream will come true...
not espresso cheesecake eat cheesecake and accompany with espresso.....a perfect match!
Hahahaha! LOL... Grandma went for high tea and realized it was not your house!!! You never gave your address to me! CB!
I wonder which house TZ went to. Blek!
Cooked sausages on mine when it came!
Paul J: Hehe, I like cheesecake with tea instead.
Grandma Twiligt: Aduh, I've been waiting whole Saturday noon. And now I know I've forgotten to give you my address. How was the high tea at the other house?
Savante: Sausages? I love it..:)
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