Went to Digital Mall to look for mp3 player since we have nothing to do for rest of the day. They have all sort of varieties with wide range of prices dependent on the brand and capacity. You can even get a 2GB mp3 player at the price of RM69 with 1 year warranty, provided you are not brand conscious la.
So we walked over to nearby Baker’s Cottage as my friend wanted to buy the charcoal moon cake. It’s a latest product and my friends said charcoal is good for our body though I have no idea how good it is. Can’t imagine eating charcoal though. Surprisingly it was sold out, and what make it worse is that the so called charcoal moon cake is no more under production. What!!! It was 11 days to go before the festive and it’s already sold out?

Anyone tried this moon cake? Mind to share your thought on it?
Hehe, I love to eat charcoal bread ler :p you can't taste the charcoal at all...
never try b4.. but i think i prefer the traditional ones...
just lotus paste n egg yoke... nice..
sometimes i oso very conservative one horr? ;p
will we turn into charcoal? hahah....
the other day just tried the charcoal bread.... felt a bit "yewww".... only know charcoal is good for blood.
YAY MEEEE!!!! i had the charcoal mooncake already. :P my sis said it's very popular lor... indeed sold out dy... but i saw it in ss2 lor.
I didn't bother to look out for the Black mooncake cos it is breaking away from the tradition now. The commercial makers are getting nuts! Now got Nyonya mooncake and they put some chilly plus belacan inside!!! Shocking kan? CB people!.... Bluek!... Next year there should be Petai Mooncake and CB Mooncake for sale too. CB Monncake would contain the Si-Ham that Anton and TZ loved to eat at Yuen Stemaboat laaaa. Wahahahahahahahahaha!
i think the claim that no more under production is a marketing gimmick, so that those people will go and buy more!!
well, can try and see lor, if don't like the charcoal skin, can always eat the filling mah, right?? they look nice to me in the photo though..
mangO: What's the purpose of charcoal bread if you can't taste the charcoal? It's like peanut butter without the peanut taste wo.
Danny: Then I'm more conservative than you as I always like pure lotus paste or red bean. Hehe.
Michi: Will we turn into charcoal? I think someday somehow I will. Then my soul might stick with one of those bread or mooncake, hehe. Charcoal is good for blood? You mean raw charcoal?
Medie007: Wow, how was it? Taste like eating BBQ charcoal? You saw at SS2? Maybe I shall inform my friend. Thanks...
Grandma Twilight: Oh yea, I tried those sambal mooncake before and it taste like CCB. Petai mooncake is totally OUT la, but CB mooncake can be considered. At least they will attract Anton and TZ. Aduh, your virus is spreading to me...CCB!!!
SK: I think it's all about marketing nowadays. Those new flavours with all sort of colours, really sounds nut. Might I think still can attract certain people la.
i hv try once b4~
is ther filling wit pear?
there's a bakers cottage in bangsar. not sure if they still have this 'charcoal' mooncake..
want me to check out and buy some for u??
LAURENCE: You tried b4? Not sure what kind of filling it is, but looks nice and colourful though.
Malau: If you happen to pass by, can help ask around and buy 2 biji for me? Maybe I can sell to my friend at higher price wo...hehe.
Granny sure maintained her foul mouth even after so many days of rest! *bluek*
I suppose I'm a traditionalist. I still only prefer the original lotus paste (with 2 yolks!yum) from the traditional makers ie. yok woo hin, kam lun tai. I'll only eat others when offered at dinners eg. bakers cottage.
Somehow, charcoal to me, is alwiz used to deal with upset tummies. So, i think i'll give it a miss! hehe
Oh oh...I forgot to mention that although I understand the sellers marketing gimmicks of various types offered, I can't help it but to felll sad that the whole mooncake thingy is too commercial. The Tai Thong tv ad is misleading too coz the true happenning of mooncake sld hv been told instead of that silly fairy moon tale.
Sorry for my ramblings.
felll = feel*...DARNED....blardy Granny's H2N2foongpc spam virus is Nearing its ugly head to me. Hellllp!
I heard that it's already sold out even before the Hungry Ghost Festival.
You don't taste the charcoal, you get the benefits can d lar :p
Or you prefer to taste charcoal? haha...
Eh helloooo Grandpa Anton! You infected the disease by yourself and blame me pula! CCB X 1000000!!! Then KY blamed me oso!! CCB to him!... Blek!
i read bout it at someone's blog saying that it contains charcoal powder-as one of the ingredients. sorry no offense yea. he put up the photo of the ingredients.
From me to you, suejean =)
petai flavoured mooncake?? you have got to be kidding me!....if next year those cake house release that mooncake....granny is the one should be blame...coz give them the idea!
Anton: Grandma without his foul mouth wouldn't be the same grandma anymore. For mooncake, I don't like it with yolk...pure lotus is just yummy. And yeah, you better get the spam virus out of your head!!!
pikey: Wow, really that hot huh. Maybe grandma's idea of petai mooncake will work also.
mangO: Will you try charcoal if it's really beneficial? I don't think I will lo, unless they add orange flavour.
Grandma Twilight: Haha, you're fulll of shit now.
SJ: Thanks for sharing. I suppose they won't mix the real charcoal with mooncake though. :)
Paul J: Hey hey, you wouldn't know. The idea might works. Faster file a trademark for this and sell it to those mooncake manufacturer. You might get rich out of sudden, and you shall thank grandma on this.
hmmm~ dunknw why charcoal is getting so popular in mooncake and bread now~ nice meh?
seriously, i didnt try it before...will not purposely buy one to try also~ not interested
i saw it last week in some bakery there. my sis said it was sold out in baker's cottage, and we were surprised to find baker's cottage's charcoal mooncake in some other bakery that evening. :) hopefully ur friend will still be able to find it lor. ;)
L2: I think people nowadays are getting more health conscious and charcoal could be beneficial for our body, so why not? But don't take the raw charcoal ya.
Medie007: I think maybe those smaller bakery might still have it though. But it's fine, my friend won't die without eating the charcoal mooncake.
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