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Stories and Thoughts
28 AUG 2009: I’ve just got this new toy few days back. It wasn’t that user friendly initially but its beauty covers all the downside. I’m still in the progress of learning to be with her 24x7. Nothing fancy about the phone physically or functionality wise. However, the build quality is good and emailing is excellent by using this phone.
I guess I’m falling in love again…unfortunately just with a mobile phone.
Hhhmmm...... and this berry is my colleague support phone...
oooo berry!!!! i waaaantttt!!!!
wow.. new toy..
oooohhhhh berry chat~~~ lols. funs. and it's the same as mine a BOLD~~~ WOOTS!
Personal or work? :p
i guess the first function you learned to use is the CAMWHORING function, hahahahaha~~ :p
blackberry is good in doing all the emails stuff...usually for those top management who always not in the office but still have to settle their office things thru emails :)
pikey: Hehe, this is actually for my office usage too. Guess people won't get this for personal usage huh.
Medie007: If you like emailing, you'll love this berry.
Lifebook: Yeap, any new toy you'ce got lately?
Silly Little Prince: Hey, I have yet try the berry chat. I couldn't find any friend that has berry lo. Love to try it someday.
mangO: You should know well la. BUT never try to email me next week lo. I sure block your email address!!!
SK: Hehe, no lo. In fact I have yet try the camera function. Mayb I shall try on you this Sat lo. Come on, be my model...GAGA pose maybe?
Leu: Absolutely agreed with you. But too bad lo, I'm not top management. Just a kuli far way down below the top level...
ewah ewah.. dapat berry terus menge-whore...but boleh tahan jugak la.. hopefully the ppl from berry read ur blog n take u as their spokesperson.;p
i think we are the same la.. look at the outlook first , then only the function...LOL
all about presentation ;p
wow wow wow~~!! so shiok! now you can use your new toy to blog lo...hehheheh
wow... cool! i am still using a lousy mobile phone >.< well i dont need a nice phone while travelling all these days... but gotta get a nice one once i start studying/working sooner XD
I want! I want!.... I love it but it's so expensive man. When you wanna sell it, I will buy 2nd hand ok. You look great like camwhore aunty! LOL......
woowwwww.... so nice to have one! in contrary, im only using the very primitive form of phone :P
Plz don give me a berry... I rather dowan a berry... Why? Coz berry will follow you whenever you go... in another words the whole office is following you... blek!
KY Berry, quite contrary,
how does your garden grow?
With 2 silver bells, and a shaft-shaped shell,
and pretty people all in a row.
haha.. i fell in love with my meg too =P
nice toy!
How's the phone? Nice?
is it nice to use?
Danny: Spokesperson of Blacberry? Too early to dream la abang...
Michi: Good idea..but I have yet tried that so far. Still learning those functionalities.
fufu: Hehe, you spent too much on travelling de. I always envy on you ler...
Grandma Twilight: I'm good in taking care of my stuff lo. If you wait till I sell it, maybe 2 years? Hehe.
the happy go lucky one: If you don't need those features, it's good to use those basic phones. Not so much of troubles.
TZ: Ah, you are the smartie. It's true, it isn't a good thing sometimes.
Gratitude: My berry garden is doing well. Expanding my business soon to Chiang Mai, that place has a good prospect.
kenwooi: Wow, you meg looks prettier lo for sure.
Leon Koh: Yes, it is.
Serm: Who was the miang that went to the miang place 2 weeks back..hehe.
Chris: It's good for me so far. :)
Laurence: It's quite nice. Wanna get one?
too expensive lal~
i cant afford it~
i saw yr pic on bloggers gathering. u look healthy n fit. u have to share yr fitness routine some time
Oh this blog "fatt mou" dy. Update your camwhoring in Thailand pls!
Laurence: Slowly save $$ lo.
BengBeng: Wow, I'm not qualified to talk about fitness yet. Long way to go. Maybe we can exchange opinion someday ya.
Anton and Grandma: You two really sound like aunties. Editing those sexy photos la, before can show it to public... Wait ya.
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