A bike hit my car from the back when I drove to KL on the day of incident. The pillion had a fractured knee and she’s now filing a court case to claim from my car’s insurance. What a bitch!! Therefore, the insurance company’s lawyer requested me to attend the court to provide briefing on the accident itself. It wasn’t that bad at all as it was my 1st experience being in a real court. Perhaps it was just a little civil case, where they took it really slow and easy. The lawyers talked in a pace 5x slower than me. And they didn’t seem prepared for the case, as they were continuously looking at the paper (for at least 30 seconds) before asking the next question.

Have you been to any court case before? What was it about and how was the experience?
I was about to challenge the traffic police for accusing me of beating the red light, which I know for damn right it was still yellow when I passed.
So, I prepared my case fully with all the facts and took video of how the traffic light timing and all..
Until my sis took all of them and goes to her company runner to write them off with the police..
It was close, but I would have gone ahead to court anyway..
nvr been n dun want to !
did they wore those curly blonde hair??? ;p
if yes, pls go and they them.. that hairstyle is so out liao...LOL ;p
oh you've been on a court case suit?? interesting, hope everything is fine.. i've never been and i never wanted to!! i think the reason why they took so long is because this is just a minor case, being put at the lowest priority..
I think I need to talk to you privately how Michi's car accident case where a Datuk's son rode a bike without helmet and lights at night before crashing onto her stationary car. The son broke his leg and hell broke loose for her. After many months, I found evidence from the photo that the boy was wrong and the case was thrown out without hearing. Maybe you might spot some clue to throw out the case too.
there r always ups and downs in life, im sure the ups will pick up real soon for u. as for the court case, i hope i will nvr have to lor :)
i have never been there...
keenyee aunty, r u ok or not? got hurt urself ma? u wan me to come and put medicine for u or not? :)
Whenever I'm faced with obstacles, I alwiz contemplate on how very blessed I already am; born with all functioning limbs,living a life with shelter, good food and plenty of wonderful people and things around me.
Please do cheer up. Life is never all smooth. There are pitstops and crooked paths we need to take in order to learn from experiences before we appreciate life.
You know you have my prayers. ^_^
p/s the court and its judges and lawyers are all shams, out to milk monies. Too many experiences of lawyers only going thru the case on that very day of going to court. The corridors leading to the courtrooms are as narrow as their minds.
hmmm... dude, i though it shouldn't have any case since the bike kiss your back... That's malaysia law... those who kiss butt always wrong...
Go get the case out... and claim back all your wasted time from the bitch ... :p
Since when Leu became so hiao wanna massage and apply medicine for others geh? Anyway~ it'll be cool to enter the court room for once... just for the experience mah~ though it can be leceh~
Takashi: Well, maybe it was a good thing that you didnt have to attend the court. Kinda waste your time actually. BTW, how did you collect those facts?
Danny: Actually hor, I hope to see those curly blonde wig lo. A bit dissapointed that they didn't wear it. Didn't feel like in those drama series also.
SK: The case was withdrawn and it's gonna took them maybe half a year to file a new case. I'm gonna wait till the lawyer call me again...
Grandma Twilight: In fact, I felt unfair lo. They crashed into my car and somemore wanna claim from me. You should share2 your stories so that I can learn a bit.
the happy go lucky one: Yeah, that's life. Anyway, thanks for your support.
Leu: Hehe, so nice of you. I'm fine la. The bike crashed into my car lo, you should ask whether they were ok or not instead.
Gratitude: Your words always make me feel good and being blessed. Thanks a lot....
TZ: In this case, the rider was wrong. But the pillion has the right to claim from my insurance and according to the lawyer, almost 100% can get it. What a law huh...such a surprise for me too.
Froggie: Leu is always HIAO, hehe. That was what I thought, it was a good experience for me anyway. But you better not to try it ya. :)
Like TZ said... u have a high chance of winning the case and be sure to claim back all the time and cost compensation too.
I know how frustrated you feel now. Michi was fined and accused of being on wrong lane which caused the bike to crash onto the car. But no one bothered to charge the rider who had no helmet, lights or license cos the father is a big shot. So our insurance's lawyer looked glum and useless until I pointed out that the rider crashed from the side causing her car to puncture with dented tyre rims. Bingo! That proved all the fingers wrong for saying she crashed head on with the bike when she was in fact stationary, waiting to turn right. Get it? Take it easy, ask leu to massage your stress away.
hallo fable and keenyee...wth u guys talking about? >.<
pikey: Gotta wait for another half a yea till they brought up the same case again.
Grandma Twilight: Guess what, actually the insurance company's lawyer pointed out a good point where the bike crashed on my right side of back bumper, which means they rode on the wrong lane. But don't know la, as long as I don't have to pay anything...
Leu: Hehe, you don't have to understand la...this is only for adult.
wow! so how is the case now? settled?
OMG this blog post has severely expired with maggots multiplying the eggs by millions!!!
Help! Help! Help!
Grandma running away madly with the tongkat stick waving the air!
wow...wish u are free of the mess now... i didnt expect such things would happen while i was backpacking in china for 2mths++
Chris: The case had been withdrawn. Gotta wait till they file a new case.
Grandma Twilight: I've been really busy lately ler. Too many issues come out of sudden. Anyway that you can introduce for me to buang those suey thing?
fufu: Wow, 2mths++ in China. Must be a good experience. Pls share with us ya.
hope iu r fine there, Kenji#~
Darren Kit: Ah, what a surprise to see you here. Thanks for visiting. :)
i was never in a court case before... hmm.. i try to avoid any unwanted situations on road? lol =P
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