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Stories and Thoughts
26 AUGUST 2009: Sometimes, a gift from someone that doesn’t cost much monetary wise but could really touch our heart deeply. A good friend of mine came back from Singapore and made this little gift for me; a little angel made from crystals. I saw such thing before at those shops but I felt nothing towards such fancy accessories. However, when my friend told me that it was hand-made; It was kind of touched me suddenly. Therefore, I hang it in my car where looking at it every day reminds of this precious friend of mine. What is the cheapest gift you have received that meant a lot for you?
As I mentioned earlier, I’ve been extremely busy lately with works that takes away all my time from blogging and checking out all your blogs (You know who you are). I felt good last weekend when I finally had time to catch up a movie and some drinks at KL. Hope all of you are doing well too. Selamat berpuasa to everyone.
Agreed to u absolutely. Some time, its not the value of the gift that matters to us, but its the 心意 that matters the most.
busy is busy.. muka maintain vogue jugak ya? see u saturday la..:)
hey, u look slimmer liao wo~ but issit a bit too slim? i prefer u with meat :P
cheapest gift but meaningful? hmmm... i would say those greetings and cares from frens lor. even though it might b effortless, but it really means alot.
you look realy tired :(
Hmm... wat is your plan for this coming long weekend.
darren: takes me almost forever to find a soul mate like you..haha.
Danny: Aiks...I learnt that from you, GAGA. Yeah, show you a BETTER VOGUE me this sat.
Leu: I think it was the camera problem. Not much changes though I think. Same body..same me.
the happy go lucky one: Greeting cards..I likes to collect those also especiallu hand-made card. And I do like key chains also..
Gratitude: Yea, I was really tired that time. And my friend said I look tired these 2 weeks too. Time to put on more facial mask.
TZ: Won't be in town from Monday onwards. Sat will have dinner with GAGA. Mayb I shall join you on Sunday?
handmade crystal as in assembling them together in the shape?? don't think you "handmade" a crystal right?? hmmm, well no gift is "cheap" woh, might be the monetary sense but when you say about the value it's priceless :)
SK: Yes yes, I think these kind of crystal are being sold everywhere de. Kinda creative, can make own ear rings, key chain, etc. True, if the gift is given from someone special, lagi priceless lo.
Hey you lost weight! You also puasa ka?
nice gift.. i also have one hanging at the very same place! =)
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