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Stories and Thoughts
26 MAY 2009: Went to karaoke with a group of close friends last Saturday. One of them brought along her DSLR camera and requested us to become her model for the photo shoot. We took hundreds of photos within that small karaoke room with a lot of poses for sure. I was quite satisfied with the outcome. However, they said a photo of mine mimic the pose of Angeline Jolie in the Lara Croft movie.To be fair for myself, I’ve posted the photo here with side-by-side comparison of Angie and let you all to judge it. Let me know what do you think of this ya. :)
both you and her are very much alike =p
hahaha.... Lara Croft in short hair ... blek!
You should dress up like her, then only we see :p
oh my definitely the same...minus off the boobs, the thick lips, the long wavy hair, the sexy eyes, the gorgeous neck, the stunning nose, the slim arm...
hmmm~ the pose is same !!! hehehehe
can i have the priviledge to add boobs to your photo? Then it'll be 100% similar!
oooo cik lara .. nak i tolong ikat rambut u? ;p
The cup size is wrong.. o.O
fufu: Hehe, I think only the pose similar lo. The rest like comparing an elephant with mouse.
TZ: Don't play2. Maybe someday they will come out with the short hair version.
mangO: The sleevless and short? Let me try and let you know ya.
LeuMaS: If I have all those mentioned by you, I won't be blogging here de. I'll sleep beside Mr. Pitt de. Keke.
Froggie: Can add boobs? you mind to add the hair also r? Hehe.
Danny: Tunggu ya bang. Need time to grow lor my hair.
Lifebook: Wait till Froggie make me a correct cup and you'll drop your glass. :)
wow wow wow!! so you are Lara Croft's twin sister.. KYara Croft!! *claps*
woo,haha, the post are really alike...hehe...
u muz have long hair...hehe...ten u ll looks alike...
yeah! adding the boobs would be the best thing to do~ ;P LOL
We shall call you "Lara Yee" from now onwards! :)
Hmm.... 少咗啲女人味...
Wow! good pose... got the style ya.. mistery looks..hahahaha!
Although u dun have those... but cute guy like u definitely will attract ur own mr pitt :)
SK: Aiyo, I think I should be the younger sister based on the age, since I'm still 21 yrs old.
tom: Yalor, next time should get a wig to pose.
Queen B: Adding boobs, so fake lo.
Anton: Aiks, don't simply give me a nick lor, ok. Must verify whether the name is "ONG" or not first.
Chris: 女人味和眼神,你应该会比我做的更好吧。哈哈。。。
Joanna Tang: Not easy to pose in such way ler, neck also almost twisted.
LeuMaS: Wow, paiseh to see such a compliment lo. Been waiting for 30 years de, maybe Mr Pitt lost in Hutan Khatulistiwa.
Tsubasa: Ah..thanks. But I like her lips wo. Soooo sexy.
Laurence: 要等很久咯。
Serm: Eh..cik abang, don't jealous ya. Next time we can share2 lipstick.
lara .. i think its time for u to change from wearing 'plates' to 'cups' ... LOL
Danny: Don't you know that I've been using "Bowl" all this while? So, cup is sap sap sui for me lo. :)
哇! 咁大顶高帽送过嚟啊。。哈哈...
Chris: 你戴得起咯。
Adoi adoi LMAO! Tak boleh tahan la, our Keengelina camwhore aunty outshined Angelina. Muahahaha!
Granny Twilight: Adoi, don't say like this. Couldn't compete with an international supertsar lo. :)
Angie looks like you!! She steals your pose!!!
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