4 DEC 2009: Had a lovely conversation with an old man last week, and it somehow led to a question whether I would like to go to heaven. Being a stubborn me, I chose to stay on earth instead. And of course lo kena scolded like a dog on why should I stay on earth if given a chance to go to heaven.
Come to think of the reasons I chose to stay on earth:
1. I still don’t feel like leaving my family and friends, though I know someday/somehow we will be separated. At least not NOW lo, unless I have no choice.
2. People always say how good is heaven, but why shouldn’t I appreciate what I have now rather than going for uncertainty? In fact, I’m doubt whether I’m qualified to be placed there.3. Last and most importantly, I might be bored in heaven. Imagining what can I do there? Catch butterfly every day?
Heaven or Hell, what is your pick?
being here is the only place you can EAT.. because in heaven you don't need to eat, in hell you only smell the food.. :p
hmmm... catching butterfly everyday in Heaven... oh interesting ... :p
Errrrr.... what my choice? Can i think about it later :p Now think about what to do this weekend... Oh i have nothing to think ... just STUDY eh~
Did that soothsayer oldie give you a whack with the magical tongkat too? :P lolz
Life is impermanent, same as everything else; that we know. I agree with you that we shoyuld live for the now, but it is also crucial for us to prepare for the thereafter, coz it is a certainty.
Good insurance for those in doubt is to continue doing good, as karma is a certainty too. We reap what we sow! ^_^
Btw, I'm sure it'll be more than juz butterflies lolz...u hv a funny imagination la LOLZ!
my teacher last time told me, only boring people go to heaven where by those who party and clubbing all night long will go to hell....emm..i think i prefer hell lor
It'll be heaven with the choice of traveling to earth whenever i want it... and with the heavenly power, maybe can help people and fight crime too.. hmmmmmmmmmmmm
well, i'd still rather stay on earth. only on earth you will experience the true meaning of life through hard work and real pain, thus gaining real happiness and real bliss. :D
if you're free and easy every day on heaven, you'll just get lazy and get numb with life. isn't that boring?
OMG !! I can't believe what i heard and had to come in the next day to comment. Now Granny has become old man guar....!?!?!?!?!....
to go where i'm suppose to go
A smile from SJ =)
u will gain weight easily when u r in a too comfortable place... and u will sweat and loose more weight when its hot..
i wanna stay vogue.. so where should i go ya? ;p
haha, who's the old man? anton or twinkle? :P
well, i will choose the same thing u have chose :) good choice
can i pick both?
SK: Hehe, how do you know they don't need to eat in heaven? No wonder you always eat so much now lo..
TZ: Take your time. You can think about this when you are having your coffee at Starbie or Bad Ass. :)
Anton: Absolutely agree with you that we shall do good all the time and prepare ourselves for the thereafter. What other than butterflies in your mind? Share with me next time. :)
Paul J: Aiks, I don't think clubbing/party is a sin though. As long as you don't hurt others. Don't worry, you still have your chances to go up there..hehe.
pikey: Too much TVB drama huh, with heavenly power somemore. Wondering whether those are real...
conan_cat: True that life on earth is full of sweet and sour experiences.
Grandma Twilight: Haha, "old man" is just a nick la. Pls don't raise your tongkat ok. Anyway, it was a good thought for me actually and I wish I could know more about life/Karma/Heaven or whatever stuff from you. You are such a genius "old man"...LOL.
SJ: Short and meaningful. You'll know it someday.
Danny: I can gain weight even I drink a glass of water wo. I think heaven would be a better place to stay vogue lo, with all those clouds around you...so cantik right?
L²: Haha, why must be either of them? I do know some other "old man" apart from them (Not to say they are old also la, LOL).
LAURENCE: You are greedy..You know where will greedy people goes huh?
muahahah.....catch butterfly? you think of "leong zhok" meh? muahahha.....hell can go in cannot come out woh.... heaven can go in and out as you like woh... go heaven first, then come back to earth and find your friends and relatives ... good idea?
hmm.. i think i look VOGUEr with YELLOW lighting.. not those WHTE ones.. surrounded by cloud? i so blurr.. later i langgar tiang lerr? ;p
It all depends on your view of heaven. I imagine it as a sybaritic orgy full of willing men. So yes, I do want to go.
Michi: I think whatever comes from you sounds better 1 lo. This is a very good idea indeed. :)
Danny: Haha, as long as no red light ma. Later ppl langgar u pulak..
savante: Wow, you have better imagination than I do. :)
Someone told me 'Heaven or hell, we sent ourselves there.'
haha... my reason same as u..
Some more heaven cannot clubbing. bleh.... :p
well, maybe there's more in heaven other than just catching butterfly?? hehe... anyhow, I totally agree to appreciate today more.. But Morrie (Tuesdays with Morrie) said, Learn how to die and you learn how to Live..
How true..
yamuna, yogini: I think that someone is very true indeed. We decides where we go in the future.
Chris: Maybe heaven has club too. But drink water or milk la. :)
Meg: Learn how to die? Like how?
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